Monday, June 29, 2015

Rained out.

In celebration of Kaleigh finishing 2nd grade, Ashley took a few days off and we decided to do some vacation type stuff!  After Kaleigh got out of school on Monday, we packed the car and headed to the White Mountains National Forest in New Hampshire!

Growing up so close, I was disappointed I had never bothered to go before, as it was beautiful.  We were driving to Crawford Notch State Park to attempt our first ever tenting trip for both Kaleigh and Tessa!

Kaleigh set up her tent quickly and was great.  Tessa was pretty reluctant to eat or stay in the tent but eventually warmed up to both and we all got a good nights sleep.

Tuesday was rainy.  Really rainy.  We opted to push through and hike to Aerthusa Falls in the weather.  It was just shy of a 3 mile hike which is typically nothing for us but in the rainy conditions, it caused the trail to be slippery so we took our time.  The falls was fantastic!  They girls did not stay long but I lingered and enjoyed the waterfall.  I caught back up with them quickly and we hiked back out, drenched.

We made the tough choice to head back to Maine shortly after since it was suppose to rain all day.  We took the scenic route home and got to see lower falls as well.  While we were all sad to leave so soon, it was nice to be dry and warm again.

1 comment:

  1. Looks beautiful. Would love to hear about what vegan foods you packed and brought along. :)
