Monday, June 22, 2015

More punk shows at the house!

Friday night was our second punk show at the house.  It was the first show we have done with touring bands though.  Maine does not get touring punk bands all that often, especially on a weekend night however, we had the opportunity to have two on Friday!

The show opened with Stokin' the Neighbors.  They are some buddies of mine from a few towns away that play some good quality skate punk.  It was their first show but you would not have known it, they were pretty tight and played flawlessly.  Jared, their drummer, is incredibly good and fun to watch.

Next up was the local favorite USA Waste.  They played a good set as more folks arrived at the show.  I still wish they played their anthem, Maine Punx but they never do.  USA Waste is a real crowd please and got folks dancing around and having fun.

Third was Insubordination from Richmond VA.  They play pop punk with a blend of rock in some tunes.  They were on the first 2 weeks of a 6 month tour so they were still pretty fresh.  There were plenty of fist pumps and circle storms for this set!  Great guys too.

Last was the Las Vegas ska-punk band, Bitch 'N' Dudes.  They sounded similar to a female fronted Star Fucking Hipsters.  They played a great set and the crowd loved them.  More circle storms and even some skanking was the name of the game for them.

Although we nearly tripled our turn out from last week, it was still smaller than I had hoped but it was a great show.  The bands seemed to really have a good time and the folks that have been coming out are spreading the word.  People have been really appreciative of the space and it has been a blast.  It has been years since I have been throwing shows and it feels great!

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