Monday, June 8, 2015

Loft Show!

There was finally a show at The Loft in Skowhegan that was not on a weekday.  Sadly, there was not a great turnout regardless and 2 of the bands were even late to arrive missing much of the show.  The good news was that not only did Kaleigh and I go (as always) but Ashley was able to come as well!

The show opened with the regular crew of Tyler Voter and Michael Spaulding.  Tyler has a few songs with a full band but largely plays solo and Michael plays all of his songs solo.  Michael even had a fun song to as an ode to Uncle Spudd.  Both were good and played their sets well.

Next up was a band I had been looking forward to seeing for some time.  QQQQQ are some really young dudes that play a style somewhere between early 80 peace punk and the Dead Kennedys.  I really enjoyed their set.  They had a new drummer that picked up the song fast but with some more practice, they should get much tighter.  The put on a great show to watch as well, lots of energy which is really missing for a lot of Maine punk bands right now.  It was refreshing.

Since the other bands were not there yet, Uncle Spudd played next.  There set seemed extra silly this time around as altered some of their songs and played some of their more melodic stuff.  All in all it was a good set though and Kaleigh always enjoys it!

Jim Dandy arrived from Belfast and played next.  This was only the 2nd time I had seen them play.  They play more on the garage side of punk, good stuff and seems to encompass a lot of genres in one set.  Like Uncle Spudd, they have a few good fast punk songs that perk it up for me.  Ashley was really looking forward to seeing them play again.

Street Sity Surf was last.  They were quite good.  It was nice to see a band that doesn't shy away from the politics of punk rock.  They played with good energy as well and were fun to watch.  Ashley also really enjoyed their set too.

On the way home I was contemplating the state of Maine punk.  I really think that Maine needs a band or two that just plays straight forward, angry, energetic, punk rock, song after song after song.  I feel like so many of the punk bands have non-punk song littered through their set that it leaves me wanting to start something myself.  Something brutal.  We will see what comes of this...

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