Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Karate in Gardiner!

Kaleigh had another Karate tournament this past weekend.  It was her fourth overall.  Fortunately, it was about as local as they can get, right in Gardiner, Maine!  It was a pretty good turn out from her academy and my dad and Sue even went!

Kaleigh's group was filled with some tough competition this time.  All the girls were tournament regulars but it did not scare her off.  In her forms, she gave the best preformance she has given at a tournament.  She took her time and was making great moves.  Her sensei was there and spoke with her just before it was her turn.

Having him there really seemed to ground her and giver her confidence.  She did an outstanding job, placed fourth and got her first trophy!  She was so excited and proud of herself.  The look on her face was priceless.

In the sparring she did an excellent job staying aggressive but the girl she was fighting was quite a bit taller then her and beat Kaleigh.  She did not seem phased by it after her outstanding forms performance.

We had to leave right after she was done to get to a birthday party but we did get to see a few more of her team compete.  It was a great time and we were all thrilled that my family was there as well!  Karate has really done some amazing things for Kaleigh in a very short period of time.  She is sleeping better, seems to have less anxiety, has been able to appreciate short term goals, etc.  We are extremely happy with her dojo, her senseis and Kaleigh for all the hard work!

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