Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fun Town!

Kaleigh, like most 8 year old's loves amusement parks.  Fun town is in southern Maine and is really more of a stationary fair then a traditional amusement park,  How her though, it did not matter, rides are rides and she loves them.  To top it all off, some of my friends were going so we met up with them!

Kaleigh connected with my friends Matt right away and he was nice enough to ride every ride with her.  They were troopers, despite upset bellies, they slogged on!  This was the first year that Kaleigh was tall enough to ride all the rides and even get her own bumper car!

We were at Fun town before they opened and there until they closed, since it was Mother's Day weekend, Ashley was free.  We had a great time and it was great to see old friends as well as make a few new ones.

One the way home we hit Chicago Dogs and got some vegan hot dogs and fries with root beer on draft!  The we went to Reds to get some vegan soft serve before heading home.  It was a busy day but very worth it!


  1. What soft serve did you have there that was Vegan? I have checked the menu nutrition list and do not see anything. Curious??

  2. We went to Reds after the fun town adventure!
