Monday, April 13, 2015

The 3rd!

Kaleigh attended her 3rd karate tournament this past weekend.  It was much smaller and we thought that might be good but as it turns out, all the "serious tournament" people were there and it was still a tough competition.

Somehow, she got put in the wrong group and competed with girls that were more experienced than her.  I think it hurt her confidence a bit because she seemed a little overwhelmed.  She did a great jon, kept her head up and pushed through.

Later in the day, as we were waiting for the rest of her team to get called, another group was formed that she was supposed to be in.  It was a relief that she was able to compete with people on the same level.  She even got 2 trophies!  One for her fighting and the other for her forms.

Her performance gets better each time.  We are always so proud of her effort and work.  She is an amazing child that we are so thrilled to have in our lives!

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