Friday, April 24, 2015

Sugar Cookies!

Kaleigh has been on April vacation this week.  She and I have been knocking out big cleaning projects all week.  On our way home from her private karate lesson on Thursday, she asked if we could make sugar cookies.  I figured since she had been such a hard worker all week it was a good day to make some fun cookies!

We made the dough, let it set.  Then rolled it out and Kaleigh got to use whatever cookie cutters she wanted/could find to make the cookies.  We had some pretty cool ones, a small teddy bear, a couple dinosaurs, a coffin, a cauldron, etc.

After baking them we whipped up some icing and dropped some color in some.  She went to work icing cookies!  She had a blast.  They came out pretty cool, we even made a little scene!

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