Friday, April 3, 2015

Dinner guests!

Last night we had some guests over for dinner.  Sadly, Ashley was called into work and unable to join us.  It was the first time in 8 months that she has gotten a call to come in and it just happened to be on the night we were having guests.

Fortunately, one of the guests, was a 6 year old for Kaleigh to play with.  They had a great time playing with some electronics and trying to scare everyone after hiding.

For dinner I made mashed potatoes, fried tofu, and covered it with a mushroom gravy.  On the side was roasted cauliflower and kale chips.  It was a good meal, nothing to fancy but tasty just the same.  It was a plate full of Kaleigh's favorites and after dinner we all had cupcakes!  Hooray for having friends over!  It was great to see and catch up with people I have not seen in years.

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