Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pad See Ew...sorta

I have been pushing myself to cook more Thai food.  It is a cuisine I love but have not much experience in cooking.  The Asian flavors are typically my forte but for whatever reason Thai has alluded me.  Both Ashley and Kaleigh seem to be on board with my experiments so we are fully in!

This week I made a very simple Pad See Ew.  It is a Thai street food but I was forced to make a number of substitutions since here in Maine some of the ingredients are scarce.  I used a more narrow noodle for starters.  I had to make a substitution for the dark soy sauce also, not to mention not being able to get Chinese broccoli.  It all worked out though because it was quite good.

For the side I made seitan chickun with a baked and then fried peanut butter and ginger sauce.  They were really great.  The texture was perfect!  These might be on the menu again as well.  Overall I would say this plate was a win. Go Thai Go!

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