Thursday, February 5, 2015

Snow & Fajitas!

Another snowy day here in Maine.  We should be getting 6 or less inches which will be a nice break from the monster storms we have had in the past week.  With no major power outages, we have gotten by fine.  We have 2 forms of wood burning to keep us warm and plenty of good food to fill our bellies.

Last night, I made some seitan steaks to slice up and use in fajitas.  I fried them up with loads of peppers, onions, garlic, and cilantro.  They were a pretty great little meal.  The leftovers should make great lunches for the girls today.

I have really enjoyed the opportunity to be cooking more.  It is coming through in my moods as well as this blog, and my overall happiness.  It has been a great thing for me.  I think that food has a way of connecting people and making you feel grounded.  There is little as satisfying as sitting in front of a hearth with a roaring fire with a home cooked meal to share with your family.  Especially when there is a blizzard on the other side of the wall.

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