Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cooking with Kaleigh; Part 18: Veggie Broth!

It has been a long time since we filmed an episode of Cooking with Kaleigh.  We had not given up on the videos, life had simply caught up with us.  A move across the country, a new kitchen, and many more changes put the web series on the back burner (so to speak).

Not anymore!  Veggie broth has been something I have been making with Kaleigh for years now.  It has always been a fun afternoon and is a great way to reuse food that would often otherwise go to waste.  It is great for her to see how many time we can use a vegetable before it goes back into the earth.  It is wonderful for her to have such an appreciation for food at such a young age; considering most first world adults do not have it.

Well, here it is: Veggie Broth!  Cooking with Kaleigh episode 18!

For the first time, we opted to can/jar our broth.  In the past Kaleigh and I had simply put it in the freezer but we wanted to see how well this would work out.  We will let the world know when we see a shelf life.

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