Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving part two

Sunday, Ashley, Kaleigh and myself went to my dad's house to have a family get together.  Thanksgiving two in a way.  It was pretty low key but a lot of fun.  Ashley and I brought a chicpea turkey loaf, mashed potatoes, mac and cheeze, cranberry sauce, corn bread muffins, tangy carrot and green apple slaw, gravy, smoked sweet corn soup, and sesame spinach.  There were vegan pies abound and we had a great feast!

Everything we brought was not only vegan but also wheat and soy free.  I really enjoyed the challenge of bringing so many dishes with so many restrictions.  It forces me to think outside the box. Too often I am the one everyone has to make accommodations for, it is really fun when I am pushed to think about it from another side.  Some dishes were a hit while I felt others were not quite on par.  For a first time Thanksgiving with that side of the family in well over a decade, I thought it went pretty well.

I even got to see more family while we were there!  We went old school and broke out some games too.  I was concerned that Kaleigh might struggle with some of the adult through process of the games but she did really well.  I am always impressed with how her mind works.

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