Thursday, September 11, 2014

Paid off the new house!

This past Tuesday, Ashley and I paid off the new house.  We never even had to make a mortgage payment.  We had considered keeping a mortgage and doing more of the work we wanted to do with the house but the mortgage company, Mortgage Network, dropped the ball at every turn and could no longer make good on their commitment to pay out the moneys due.  Fortunately, we were in the unique position to simply pay the mortgage off and pay the contractor out of pocket for the new roof, siding, spetic, etc. Never use Mortgage Network.  As my niece would say "Nevah Evah!".

On the plus side, we are now mortgage free and neither of us has a car note!  We are in a great position for years to come and despite the headache, it feels great to have the debt gone.  It is a proud moment in our lives.  I am only 34 and own my home free and clear.

This past week or so has had a number of memorable Maine firsts.  Kaleigh began her first day of 2nd grade!  She is already making friends, it amazes me how quickly children her age make friends.  Ashley also started her first day off work.  She seems to really enjoy the hospital she works at which is great!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! What a great feeling! I wish we could pay ours off! :-) Congrats on that. That is huge.
