Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Holding on until the very end...

After nearly 12 years. I had forgotten how chilly September mornings in Maine can be.  The past few days, when Kaleigh and I go out to catch the bus, we have been able to see our breath.  It warms up nicely by the late morning but these early starts are cold.  I suppose it signifies the last hoorah of the Maine summer.

We took full advantage of the month that we had though.  We went to the beach several times.  It feels great to get out of landlocked Atlanta.  In Georgia, the beach is not a day trip by any means.  From our new house, the ocean is about 35 minutes away and the state park beaches are about 1 hour.  

We swam in water that was far to cold to swim in, we climbed rocks to explore the wldlife that lives in the tide pools, we had many a picnic in the sand, and even went bookie boarding.  I have really missed the ocean.

We will miss the summer as the colder weather begins to roll in but we are still holding out for a few warm weekends before we have to say goodbye officially.

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