Thursday, September 25, 2014

Deep Fry Friday Part 4: This may have been a mistake...

I had a brilliant idea.  I was going to make the ultimate deep fried dish.  I make my seitan chickin nuggets, battered mushrooms, french fries, battered cauliflower, and battered onion pieces.

I tossed them in a fresh herb encrusted breading and into the deep frier they went.  I was so excited.  I thought it might end up being the best meal of my life.  As I started plating I realized how heavy the dish was.

Without losing hope, I heaped fried food on top of fried food.  I could barely contain myself as I started to dig in.  The seitan chickin nuggets were on par as my usual.  The fries were great, the mushrooms we juicy and succulent.  The cauliflower was extremely flavorful, but the onions stole the show.  They were incredible.

About half way through my plate of gorgeous gluttony, I started to feel like I had made a mistake.  I looked around the table at Ashley and Kaleigh who were tearing into their plates just has vigorously, and they had the same look.  We wanted to keep putting it away but it felt like we needed to stop.  We all ended up eating ourselves into a belly ache but still felt like it might have been worth it....maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Funny adventure!

    The best thing to do is to eat it as quickly as possible to finish off the plate before the stomach starts feeling weird.
