Monday, June 16, 2014

Rice Crispy Treats!

Kaleigh and I made rice crispy treats!  We have made them several time before but not recently.  The most recent time was when we filmed the Cooking with Kaleigh video around Halloween.

These came out perfectly and Kaleigh did most of the work.  She had so much fun spinning the marshmallows and watching them melt in the pan.  She wanted to use some food coloring and make them look fun and excited but I nixed that idea.  I was looking for something more traditional.

For dinner, we had another dish that has been featured on Cooking with Kaleigh, BBQ Portobello mushroom burgers.  It is one of our favorite and something we often eat when Ashley is not home.  Ashley is not the biggest fan of mushrooms so it is perfect for Kaleigh and I.


  1. Did you use vegan marshmallows? Normal marshmallows aren't vegetarian. They're made from gelatin.

  2. Of course we did! Nothing but the vegan goodness in this house! :)
