Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cooking with Kaleigh; Part 16: Fruit Salad

when we film Cooking with Kaleigh, i is typically a recipe that I have and taught her to make.  This time, it is her very own recipe!  Lots of fruit, lots of yogurt and an extra addition that throws the fruit salad over the top!

We are so proud of her, not many 7 year old's have their own recipe.  She is a special kid.  This video is a little longer than the others because she wanted to be able to show everything.  In fact, it was over 30 minutes but I got it edited down to around 6. 

So excited for her!  She loves this dish and requests it all the time when we ask her what she wants for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. she will eventually be another Rachel Ray... she is fabulous. I aslo loooooove her new haircut....Go Kaleigh!

