Monday, March 10, 2014

Days N Daze with Railyard Ghosts

Late last week, Ashley and I had the opportunity to go see a great folk-punk show.  There we several locals, including We Few that opened the show.  We Few doesn't play for long and a different iteration of the line-up each time I see them but they are always worth watching.

Rail Yard Ghosts really stole the show.  They have just more instruments and members than I thought and it makes for a great full sound.  The haunting hobo-esque old timey music was well complimented by their aggressive youthful angst.  They were a lot of fun to watch and listen too.

Lastly, Days N Daze nailed it.  I saw them about a year ago as well and they were just as good then.  The trumpet really adds some ska elements to their sound.  The misanthropic but fun energetic music had people in rolling chairs rolling through the room shouting their lyrics along with the band.  It was quite a sight and loads of fun.

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