Monday, January 27, 2014

Weekend Vacation; Day 3: Snow Storm!

Sunday, day 3, started out with Ashley, Kaleigh and I waking up as a snow storm began!  Although it amounted to just a few inches, it was the biggest snow storm either of the girls had seen.  After breakfast at the family restaurant, the Hi-Hat, we grabbed my mum and headed to the coast.

We took a detoured route to Pemaquid Point.  It is a trip I have taken the last few times I have gone to Maine.  It is a really nice place for pictures and relaxation.  There is a light house and plenty of space to roam.  When we arrived, we were the only people there.

Within minutes, Kaleigh and my mum had built a snowman that was taller than Kaleigh and the snow was continuing to fall.  We than walked down to the rocky coast and try the treacherous rocks in the snow.  Not feeling safe, we turned back and wandered the area.  We ended up having a snowball fight as well.  It was also a first for the girls.

After leaving the coast, we took a trip south.  We stopped in Freeport to some tourist stuff then it was off to Portland for dinner.  Years and years ago, my good friends Neal (of the Pickle Shack) and Chansopa introduced me to Indian cuisine.  We took a large group of punk kids to Tandoor, a fairly nice Indian place in the old port of Portland.  It was eye-opening or me.  I really enjoyed the food and since then I have introduced many folks to the cuisine.  Ashley really enjoyed Tandoor and we had a great dinner.

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