Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I am nothing if not a traditionalist...

Since moving to the south, I have heard rumors that on New Years day, people eat black eye peas.  Apparently, it is for good luck.  I can not imagine where this tradition came from and it makes no sense to me.  Most of the New Years traditions make no sense to me. 

I do not believe in luck and I am not much for traditions however, I do like black eye peas!  I made another batch of my seitan jerky and had a little seitan left over.  I cubed it and fried it up with some onions, garlic, parsley and then added the black eye peas.  The dish turned out pretty good!

As for the jerky, the recipe is still not where I want it.  This time it turned out a little too tough.  I will perfect it and share eventually though!  The flavor was still spot on.  I just need to master the texture.


  1. That seitan jerky looks amazing. Where the heck is the recipe? And yes, southerners do a lot of things that don't make sense, and have too many superstitions probably, but any excuse to eat black-eyed peas and greens is fine by me!

  2. Hey, those photos look awesome, do you have a recipe for the seitan jerky? Thanks!
