Friday, December 27, 2013

The holiday update.

For the first time in a long time, I opted in on the christmas celebration.  With Kaleigh in the house I felt like it was time to curb my own feelings about the holiday and make it special for her.  She had a a great day.  I worked in the morning but did leave and meet up with the family for a dinner and present swap that evening.

Ashley got me an amazing camera lens that I have been eyeing for some time.  She spent too much but ill forgive her since she spent it on me!  I also got some cool parenting books, a Dawkins book, a munchkin expansion,, vintage pitchers, an homemade apron to match Kaleigh's, some cooking supplies, and Kaleigh even made me a super awesome skull mug.  Now I just have to convince her to make me some hot chocolate!

I have been working a lot of unusual hours over the holiday.  I made some chili to help me get through it while still eating well.  Kaleigh liked the chili so much she was even eating it for breakfast on christmas morning.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like an amazing Christmas. Kudos to you for getting with the tradition. <3
