Thursday, November 7, 2013

Recipe: Soy-free mushroom ginger "soy" sauce

For the potluck, I created a soy-free soy sauce for the pan fried spring rolls that I made.  The spring rolls were decent but the sauce really shined.  It had a very soy sauce feel but some deeper elements that really gave it something to notice.

Mushroom Ginger "Soy" Sauce (soy free)

1/3 cup of molasses
1/4 cup of sesame oil
3 tablespoons of water
1 tablespoon of shiitake mushrooms
1 tablespoon of fresh ginger (chopped)
2 teaspoons of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of crushed red pepper

In a sauce pan, heat the oil to med temperature.  Once the oil is hot, add all remaining ingredients and reduce heat to low.  Allow to cook down until the ginger has almost a burnt taste.  This should take about 20 minutes but depends on the level of heat.

Pour the ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.  This will allow it to thicken and become a bit lighter in color.  This can be either served hot or cold and on a number of foods.