Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My first time making baked beans?

Growing up in New England, I have always loved baked beans.  Boston baked beans are a very traditional dish even in Maine.  Strangely, I have never made my own baked beans, until now.

I am still working on the recipe but these came out fanatic.  Soaking the beans overnight, boiling for a couple hours, then dumped them in the slow cooker for the night with an array of spices and vegetables.  It was a bit hit in with the family as well.

With the beans, I added in the southern end of baked beans and combined them with corn bread.  This dish screamed out for my roasted brussel sprouts as well.  I could not even keep Ashley away from the plate long enough to get a picture to share!

After dinner, we partook in some shoddy apple crisp.  The flavor was great but I should have used a smaller baking dish for a deeper crisp.  Oh well, better next time.

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