Monday, November 4, 2013

Cooking with Kaleigh; Part 12: Cole Slaw

On our final day of our family vacation, we were hosting a potluck with Ashley's family.  Kaleigh wanted to make a Cooking with Kaleigh video with her cabbage that she picked on our trip.  She wanted to make cole slaw as she had been eating it often recently.  She was really excited to use her cabbage. 

I really enjoy these videos, despite the fact that they get very few views.  I think they are a lot of fun for our new family!

1 comment:

  1. Kayleight is a super natural vegan cooking star! I loved it when she said 'little shakes of garlic'. I will now be putting little shakes in my homemade slaw too.

    Also Very unusual to find a little one who likes cabbage too, your go girl!

    Thanks for sharing Vic. Do hope you and all your loved ones are well. Its been a while since I've visited, I've recently got back into the flow of blogging after my little stint at cafeteria cooking, so will be by more often. Take care.
