Friday, October 11, 2013

Cooking with Kaleigh; Part 11: Rice Crispy Treats (Halloween Style)

I got a chance to have a nice evening with Kaleigh last night.  I picked her up from school and we went to the store to get some nice things for dinner.  WE ended up making stroganoff and asparagus with garlic.  Ashley was at work until nearly Kaleigh's bedtime so we made enough for her to eat when she got home.  We even grabbed some nice flowers for the kitchen table.

After Kaleigh and I returned from the store we decided to make some halloween themed rice crispy treats.  Kaleigh even thought it would be fun to make a Cooking with Kaleigh video for the snacks!

We used some green food coloring to get a nice halloween background and then added some melted chocolate and other candies to make some pretty silly/cool designs.  We had a lot of fun making these and Kaleigh got really wound up after eating a couple!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool! Please Tell Kayleigh, I have bookmarked this to make next year. I just have to find some vegan marshmallows, not easy in the U.k
