Thursday, August 29, 2013

Vacation Day 4; Todd & Tina and a visit to Bellingham

The four of us woke up early on day 4 in our campsite.  In fact, Todd & Tina and a guest with them.  Peanut, a little rat-like dog with alien eyes was staying with them for a week and had tagged along on our camping/hiking adventure.

The four of us (plus Peanut) packed up camp and headed to some tail-heads.  Not knowing how much Peanut, Todd & Tina could do hiking-wise, we thought it best to do some simple hikes and it turned out great.  Our first stop was Nooksack Falls which was hard to see since it was fenced off but from what we were able to view, it looked impressive.

We arrived at Artist Point and walked on the snow for awhile.  Being from Georgia her whole life, Ashley has never seen snow this deep and was pretty taken by it.  It was far to overcast at that time of the day for us to see any of the views though.

We headed back down to the Heather Meadows area and spent several hours hiking the shorter trails and even started a small portion of the Chain Lakes trail.  Apparently, there is a unique animal called a Whistle Pig that lives in the rocky areas of this subalpine region.  It is somewhere between a ferret and a beaver.  Both Todd and I saw one but the girls missed out.

That afternoon we headed back to Bellingham Washington, where Todd & Tina live.  On the way back, we stopped at a food truck in Glacier Washington because we overheard a park ranger say they had vegan options.  The food was incredible and we gorged a bit too much.

Back at Todd &Tina's we went to a health food store to re-stock our groceries for later hikes and even scored a few vegan treats.  After a short tour of the city, Tina had some errands to run so Todd, Ashley and I went and walked the boardwalk.

When Tina got back we all went out to dinner at an asain noodle place.  It was a hearty and filling meal that Ashley and I really needed after several days eating bagel sandwiches and protein bars.  We even got showers and got to sleep indoors!  It was a nice relaxing day and great to see old friends.

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