Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When you just can not get enough sweets...

Peanut Butter Balls has been a recipe and a treat in my family and household for years.  There is some disagreement on where the recipe originated but I have since claimed it, slightly altered it, and made it my own.  They are a pretty incredible snack and will put you into a sugar coma without much effort.

I decided to up the ante.  I took the same basic recipe and combined it with my chocolate chip cookie recipe in a way that will make even the most devoted dieter falter.  I made chocolate chip cookie to truffles.

The insides were a variant of my uncooked chocolate chip cookie dough recipe then balled up and drenched in melted chocolate.  The flavor was "keep you up at night" good.

Ashley took some and Kaleigh went into a 6 year old sugar frenzy with a single truffle.  Some folks at my jobby job also got to indulge and they were a big hit.  Once I come down off the sugar, I will surely make these again.

1 comment:

  1. Recipe???? Or is that going to be a trade secret for when you make your millions?
