Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Visiting the crack house

It has been a long time in waiting.  Conflicting schedules and trips out of town means I have not had the opportunity to see Nate and Adrienne in months.  For the few folks in the blog world that do not know, Adrienne write the blog called Crack the Plates.  Folks who have missed this blog should check it out.

Ashley and I made a plan to go and have dinner with the Cracks, which as always, results in playing games of some sort.  Adrienne made an excellent thai noodle dish for dinner.  We all ate a heaping plateful and were never regretful.

After dinner we played some cards games and then Nate and I talked about records while Ashley and Adrienne played with the rats.  It was a great night and one that was far too long overdue.

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