Monday, July 22, 2013


Living 2000 miles away from my family, I rarely go to any family gatherings.  I am fairly isolated here in Atlanta, which, in many circumstances is fine.  I do miss my family however.  Since Ashley and I have joined forces, I have been welcomed into her family.  It is quite nice but makes me miss my own.

This past weekend, Ashley and I went to a potluck at her dad's house.  There were about 10 family members there and plenty of good vegan dishes to be had.  Ashley and I brought candied sweet potatoes from the slow cooker and some great cole slaw that Ashley has designed.  There were vegan baked beans (which I ate too many of and could barely move), pasta with a vegan marinara, vegan burgers in pitas, a vegan Malaysian soup, chips and guacamole, not to mention vegan brownies with strawberries!

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