Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Chic pea chick'un salad and Kaleigh's summer squash

For months, I have teased Ashley about us being in a relationship.  In fact, I told her that I would not make her favorite summer dish, chic pea chicken salad until we had made a decision.  It was one of the first things I made for her to eat, years ago.

Of course, since we made the decision to be in a relationship, one of the top priorities was making chic pea chicken salad.  We wrapped it up in a nice pita with some red leaf lettuce and cucumber along with some shredded carrot.

We also took a couple summer squashes that Kaleigh had picked for me from her grandmothers garden, and fried them up with some salt and pepper.  A simple side dish but it was delicious.  The squash was perfect, Kaleigh is a great gardener!

I am sure there will be more chicken salad on the way in the coming weeks!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds tasty, and good one for being officially in a relationship :-)

