Monday, June 24, 2013


I have never been a fan of scones.  They always seem really dry and unflavored, like a bad biscuit.  However, Kaleigh helped make scones at her daycare last week and wanted to show Ashley and I what she learned.

The three of us came up with some great ideas for flavors.  We made pistachio, cinnamon currant, cranberry, maple with brown sugar, and even one with some loose leaf tea!  They were all quite good, Kaleigh may have convinced me to change my mind on scones!  I am looking forward to making them again soon.

That afternoon we took a scavenger hunt trip to some thrift stores.  Kaleigh saw a suit and tie she wanted.  She said that boys can wear girls clothes and girls can wear boys clothes and it is ok to be different.  Kaleigh rules!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder why this young girl is turning out to remind me a lot of you!!! What does in a relationship mean?? LOL
