Thursday, June 6, 2013

Is this still a food blog?

I know I have been neglectful of the foodie readers out there.  However, I have been eating some great foods lately.  Real Estate has been picking up again and I have been trying to get to some more of the good shows in Atlanta as well as plan my vegan potluck.  It has been a busy time but a boy has to eat!

After a day of hiking recently, we made some of my BarBQ chicpeas.  When I was younger, this was a staple in my diet.  I was broke, I was busy, and I wanted something hearty.  I must have eaten these several times a week when I lived in Santa Fe.  They kept me alive.  Over the years I have taken a more simple dish and livened it up a bit, but it is still a comfort food for me.

I also made a nice udon noodle and teriyaki sauce dish.  I made quite a bit to get me through some long days at the jobby job and it really hit the spot.  So many great veggies always bring it home.

A recent pick up at a local thrift store was this awesome coup bowl/cup.  Needing to use it right away, I made gazpacho!  Truly, I need to post this recipe as it is fantastic.  I shared with co-workers at the jobby job and they could not believed they liked something that did not have animals in it!  Really, keep after me for this recipe so I actually post it!

Of course, no day is complete at my house without a bedtime snack!  Since Ashley recently got a waffle maker, she made us maple waffles!  We even put on some (store bought) maple ice cream to really throw the flavors over the top!

1 comment:

  1. Those waffles look so good! It makes me want a waffle maker so badly, but I just don't know if I can justify another kitchen appliance.
