Monday, May 20, 2013

Mother's Day! (a week late)

I have been so behind on posts recently.  Over the last week or so I have been playing catch up, in fact, today is my Mother's Day post.  Sadly, my mother lives over 1000 miles away so I am only able to speak with her by phone.  However, Ashley is a mother, and so is her mother!  I had a privilege of spending my late morning with them.

I hosted the 2nd annual Mother's Day brunch at my house on Mother's Day for Ashley, her mother, and her daughter.  Three generations at my dinner table (actually, it is an extremely cheap folding card table)!  I made pancakes of all sorts of variety.  Some of the cakes were currant, some were chocolate chip, some raspberry, a couple were blueberry, a few strawberry and even and "everything" pancake that Kaleigh claimed!  Foolishly, I did not take pictures of the pancakes.

I also made some home fries, a smoothie with our fresh picked strawberries, and a fruit salad.  The day prior, I made my first attempt at making a granola from scratch to go with the fruit salad.  It turned out incredibly well and I am going to make some variations on it and post recipes soon.  I then took the fruit and arranged it neatly over the granola and served the breakfast with Vermont imported maple syrup.

Day like this really make me miss my mum.  I really hope that someday soon I will make her a Mother's Day brunch.  I hope my mum had a great day.  Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous fruit arrangement, Vic. What a nice Mother's Day celebration.
