Monday, May 27, 2013

Cooking with Kaleigh: Strawberry Jam!

When I was a child I have fond and vivid memories of my mum making raspberry jam.  Looking back, I am not sure that she made jam year after year but I do recall them sitting in the cabinet for awhile and they were delicious.  Even know, raspberry jam is my favorite.

This year, when Ashley, Kaleigh, and I picked strawberries, we had such an abundance that we thought it would be fun to try and make strawberry jam.  We got all the stuff ready and ended up making 6 jars of jam!  It was really good for a first try and lots of fun!  One of the best parts of the afternoon was that Kaleigh agreed to make another cooking video!

Again I used clips because the process is long, especially when you let a 6 year old instruct you.  Kaleigh did a great job and I think she was thrilled to have Ashley make a cameo appearance!  This was also my first video with my new camera and I think I really like the quality.

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