Monday, April 8, 2013

Pepperoni Post!

My busy schedule both physically and emotionally kept me from blogging for the entire first week of April.  Not my intent but sometimes it happens.  I do have a couple of good posts coming up this week though.

Thursday was a really busy day.  I had an appointment at noon and then was showing a property at 130pm.  My client wanted to put an offer on the house.  I really hope they take it, it would be a great spot of my client.  Right after that I headed to pick Kaleigh up from her daycare, a little early and I caught her as she was getting off the bus.  We went to see a movie and had a great time.

Friday, as soon as I got up I started making some pepperoni deli slices.  It has been a few months since I made deli slices and wanted to have at it.  They came out perfectly!  Ashley soon arrived and we discussed a dinner plan.  We decided to make a pepperoni pizza and try out the slices.

I have never used the slices on a pizza so I wanted to see how it would turn out.  After finally getting a dough, we rolled out out pizza, adding red peppers, onions, and mushrooms as well as the pepperoni slices and topped it with some avocado.  It was actually great.  There is something gratifying about having your own pepperoni on your pizza.

Never fear, sandwiches were made with the slices the following day!

1 comment:

  1. Really impressed with your pepperoni slices :-)

