Monday, April 15, 2013

Liberated from Daycare!

Since Kaleigh was on her spring break, and ended up spending a lot of her time at daycare because Ashley still had classes and clinic, I took one of my days off and set up a special day for her.  We started the day with some hummus and pitas and then went to the Atlanta Center for the Puppetry Arts.  We saw a a cool puppet play about Brer Rabbit.  She thought at first it might be boring but she really enjoyed it. 

After the puppet show we made our own hand puppets and looked around the Jim Henson inspired museum.  They had a great Labyrinth exhibit which we both were impressed with as we recalled our favorite parts of the movie.

After the puppet show, we went to see a movie.  We were trying to stay inside for as much as we could since the pollen was really thick.  After the movie we did another extra special event.  We went rock climbing!  Kaleigh had never been and the place had a special kids wall.  She was able to get up quite well for her first time.  She had so much fun, despite being intimidated at the sight of the huge walls.  We had an awesome day and I hope she felt like she did not waste away at daycare all week.

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