Monday, February 11, 2013

More Greens!

Last week, a co-worker brought me a stir-fry they had made. he is vegan but is pretty separate from the vegan community, in fact, I may be the only other vegan he knows.  I occasionally share food that I bring to work with him and he brought me a great stir-fry.  He breaded some tofu and it had lots of greens.  As I was eating it I realized that i do not often have that many greens in my stir-fry and my stir-fry had become fairly standard.

Inspired by my co-worker to mix it up, I made a new stir-fry, with more greens!  It was not as hearty as some of the others I make but it had a certain appeal.  It even gave me yet another excuse to use my amazing tofu press!  It is nice to have a fresh take on a standard dish!

1 comment:

  1. Vic, that stir fry looks delicious. That was nice of him to share.
