Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A quick taco

I am not sure why I never make tacos.  They are a rarity.  I have made them less then 10 times in my life.  I actually really like tacos and I am not sure why I neglect them.  Recently, Two Vegan Boys made some tacos and it inspired me!

There tacos were much healthier and had more homemade filling but mine were also good.  I cheaped my way out and bought much of the filling at the store but sometimes you sacrifice for convenience. 

Next time I hope to make some of the filling myself and have more time to cook and enjoy them.  Tacos will be on the menu again soon!  I can feel it!

1 comment:

  1. They look really good!
    I had to read this because yesterday I made myself some vegan tacos. But all I used were the corn tortillas, potatoes, avocado, and some herbs and spices. :)
