Monday, November 26, 2012

Deli Slices!

With so many hours spent at work recently, I have been brainstorming some meal ideas that are easy to transport and filling.  Since all the people I know are eating hearty and flavorful foods this time of the year I did not want to settle for hummus wraps or something similar.  I wanted something parley a bit.

I opted to make my own deli slices to take sandwiches.  I have made deli slices in the past and I decide to work on a new recipe.  It came out really well but I want to make a few minor tweak prior to posting a recipe.

I have recently been fantasizing about having more time to cook and be outside.  I am going to try to make some time, it makes me feel so much better.  Until then, the deli slices and the double batch of mac & cheeze will have to do!

1 comment:

  1. I like your deli slices, I look forward to the recipe :-0

