Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This MoFo is off to the mountains!

Wednesday was my first day of my autumn vacation.  Ashley and I decided to go to the Smoky Mountain National Park.  We went a couple years ago at the peak of the foliage season, this year we were about a week late for the peak.

The first part of my vacation away from the jobby job was actually spend doing Real Estate work.  I have been keeping busy and it has felt good.  I then packed and made us some burritos so we could eat on the road.  When Ashley got out of class, we were en-route!  The night came quick and we drove the last hours or so on mountain roads in the dark.  Early to bed, we were getting up early to get some amazing sites!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very fun, and the burrito looks delicious!

