Saturday, October 6, 2012

This is how we do it!

One of the most common things that people say to me about veganism is that they would miss the sweets and flavorful treats.  Anyone that knows me knows that I can prove that concern wrong.  I am a total sucker for sweets, especially after the sun goes down, mogwai-style.

Recently, I was at Ashley's house and she made me a treat that would prove all those anti-vegans wrong.  Cookie vegan-milk shake!  This things had me so wired I was skipping around her house and making screeching sounds!  All the non-vegans can eat their heart out, this is how we do it!


  1. This post made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. Love it. Love you. Let's hang soon!

  2. Looks good! Do you know what's in it? I have never had one excellent vegan milkshare.

  3. hahah love it. i've got that song in my head now! sounds delish!
