Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Maine Trip; Day 6: Jonny Games!

I got up early on Monday morning.  I was going to see one of my best friends, Jonny, in Old Town.  Last year I came to Maine around the same time for his wedding.  We made plans to take 2 days of this trip, make some food, play some games and reminisce.  After an hour drive I was there.  It felt good to see him.  There is something special about our relationship that not much else can compare too.

When his wife got home, we set out for some food supplies.  We made some hummus wraps with a side of some Maine chips that I can not get here in Atlanta.  We played some old school games for most of the day.  Later in the evening we made a stir fry with some rice, then went back to playing more games.  It was a great time.

Sometimes the family you choose means so much.

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