Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cracking the Gingers: A Dinner Party

I often have spoken on dinner with the Cracks (Adrienne and Nate of Crack the Plates) and most readers of this blog know who Ashley and Kaeligh are but interestingly enough, they had never met.  Bound to correct this oversight, we made a dinner plan, for all 5 of us.  My house, 630pm on Friday.

I made chickin nuggets using a variation of my basic seitan recipe (how to) upon request from the Cracks.  Seitan seems to be a big hit with them, it is fun to make so I generally oblige.  These were marinated overnight then double breaded and deep fried for extra crispy goodness.

As requested by the Gingers, I made brocoli and cheeze soup.  Kaleigh has been on the lookout for a good 5 year old friendly cheeze soup an Ashley thought this would do the trick.  I rarely make this dish so it was a special treat.

I also made some cabbage and mashed potatoes.  Kaleigh mashed the potatoes by herself while Ashley helps fry the nuggets.  My back has been hurting so I was trying to take it as easy as I could.

After dinner, Adrienne, Kaleigh, and Ashley built a fort in my livingroom while the boys stood in the kitchen and talked shop (dorky card games and RPGs).  I decided at the last minute I would whip up some chocolate chip cookies for everyone.

All in all it was a good night.  Nothing like spending time with good folks and eating good food.

1 comment:

  1. thanks again for an awesome dinner :) i hope your back is feeling better.
