Monday, August 27, 2012

Maine 2012; Day 1: Pemaquid Point

I flew in on Wed and my mum picked me up at the airport.  It was great to see here.  I got to see her a few months prior in Florida but it had still been to long.  We drove back to Augusta and took care of getting my rental car.  She headed back to work and I drove around my old home town and let the memories overwhelm me.

After my mum got out of work, we took a trip to Savory Maine for dinner.  It is the second time I have been there and it was again, very good.  I had a dulce, tomato, and lettuce sandwich with a side of roasted potatoes, salad, and ratatouille.  It was a nice evening to sit out on their back deck and enjoy the ocean breeze.

After dinner we went to Pemaquid Point.  We were there for a few hours, walking the rocks and talking.  I really enjoy Pemaquid and this trip was no different.  It was good to have a break from Atlanta.  The waves crashing against the rocky coast of Maine was the perfect getaway.


  1. Wow it looks so beautiful there! THe meal looks yummy too :)

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