Friday, July 20, 2012

It Is Pouring...

It has been a vicious week or so.  I was without air conditioning for about 6 days.  It sounds petty but this is Atlanta and when the AC goes out, the humidity fulls the house.  Although it never got much above 85 degrees in the house, the humidity made me constantly sticky.  It was lots of cold showers just to get the sweat off and cool down.  Once the needed part came in the AC was fixed and the temperature began to come back to a liveable level.  It really was draining to my motivation.  Fortunately, it was the new motor that blew out and was still covered under my warranty so all I needed to pay was labor.

The day the air conditioning was fixed, I was crushed with some other wrecking ball news.  Additionally, we are heading into one of the busiest weeks at my job.  Yesterday I worked a 17 hour shift.  When it rains it pours.

Needless to say, my motivation has been sapped in the kitchen.  Mostly quick foods.  I am hoping to make something nice today, a lone day off in the storm of a hectic upcoming week.  There will be light at the end of the tunnel soon though.  I am sure of it.


  1. Ugggh. I can't imagine not having AC the way the heat has been lately. Sorry that happened.

  2. Yikes that sounds pretty brutal! It has been way too hot recently but I'm glad it is finally fixed! That meal looks great too!

  3. i'm so glad your AC got fixed! gosh, that must have been awful!!!

  4. No AC in Atlanta=nightmare!

    Hey, what kind of burgers are those? They look really good. I don't recognize them, so would you mind sharing the brand?

    Or did you make them? :-)

  5. I'm glad to here you got your AC fixed , I know it's hard to be without because of the humidity.
