Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I do not know what it is other than delicious!

My hectic week at the jobby job is finally over.  Yesterday was my Thursday and my Friday, I worked 16 hours after only leaving 8 hours prior.  I made it and am finally done.

In preparation of my long grind at the jobby job, I made myself a treat.  I am not sure what to call it, Taco Casserole?  Refried Bean Bake?  Tex Mex Something-or-Other?

Whatever it is called, it was fantastic.  I soaked, boiled, and fried some pinto beans.  Cook some random veggies down.  I then too the beans and spread them over the bottom of a baking pan, covered with a layer of the veggies, another layer of beans, a layer of crushed corn chips, and topped with cilantro.  In the oven it went.  Fabulous!

This is something I will certainly make again.  When I do, I will be sure to write out a recipe to share with the blog world.  This is a dish I was very happy with and it was an excellent meal to tote to the jobby job for my lunches.


  1. Yikes, that definitely sounds like a crazy schedule! I know how it is but congrats on getting through it. That meal looks like absolutely perfection! Yum!

  2. whatever you call it, it's amazing! YUMMMMM! I hope you can relax tomorrow!
