Thursday, June 7, 2012

Recipe: Roasted Garlic and Jalapeno Pepper Hummus

Now that summer is rolling full force here in Atlanta, I have been trying to eat lighter foods.  I really enjoy the oven and roasting all sorts of items but too often, in the summer month, it is simply to much.  Since taking back to back vacations, I have been working a lot at the jobby job, so I have been searching for some nice ways to make healthy meals for my "lunches".

Welcome hummus, a perfect solution.

Today, I even have a recipe to share, roasted one!  I was in the food for a bit of heat but wanted to be able to share the hummus with other folks so I needed to temper it a bit.  This is what I came up with (nothing unique but certainly tasty and easy):

Roasted Garlic and Jalapeno Hummus

1/2 of a jalapeno pepper (chopped)
15 oz of chic peas
4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
2 tablespoons of oil
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of water
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
1 teaspoon of tahini

Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees.  In a baking dish, place 1 tablespoon of oil with the cumin seeds, garlic, and jalapeno pepper.  Bake for about 5-8 minutes or until the garlic is beginning to turn golden in color.

In a blender, combine the chic peas, 1 tablespoon on oil, tahini, paprika, salt, water, and lemon juice and puree until relatively smooth.  If the blender gets stuck, add more water, a teaspoon at a time to loosen the mixture.

Once the garlic and jalapeno is finished roasting, add it to the blender with the chic peas and puree until smooth (or desire constancy).

This made about a weeks worth of vegetable wraps for me at work.  It was incredible and I was able to share some too.  It had a slight heat without being to much more people.  I spread a thick layer of hummus on a tortilla, topped it some some great fresh vegetable and balsamic vinegar.  They made amazing and easy wraps to take to work!


  1. Yum. At first, I thought the recipe said, "12 jalapenos". Ha ha. Your food is always so inspiring.

  2. yum! that sounds so delicious! and that avocado wraps looks out of this world! thanks for sharing!

  3. The spicy punch of the jalapeno sounds incredible in hummus--need to try it soon!

  4. Hummus plays a big role in many of my summer meals, so I'm quite excited by your variation on the usual. I've never added jalepeno to mine before, so that sounds like a great way to spice things up- No pun intended!

  5. hahaha, I also read 12 instead of 1/2 at first, I thought WoW!!!

    Anyway, great hummus!


  6. oooh, i love that you put smoked paprika in your jalapeno hummus. mmmm! i cannot wait to give this a go - it sounds awesome!

  7. haha, just approved your "spam" comment on my blog - japanese dinner post. There ***IS*** a reason I never post about our dinners...because YOU always do! :-)

  8. What a great combo of roasted garlic and jalapeno in a hummus....I'm so hungry!
