Sunday, June 3, 2012

Florida Trip: Day Two; The beach

We got up early, packed the car up and were headed to the beach.  Living in Atlanta, we do not get access to the beach often. I was spoiled growing up in Maine, we were always less than an hour from the coast.  However, the beach in Florida if much different from the beach in Maine.  Maine is ice cold water along the rocky coast, Florida is bath water warm with white sand as far as I can see.  I prefer Maine's coast but I do still enjoy the ocean.

After an hour drive through rural Florida coastal towns, we arrived at Caladesi Island State Park.  I generally do not get in the water but conceded to play with Kaleigh.  She and I had fun in the water.  There was some seaweed in the water but it did not bother her, she played hard.

Ashley was making some sandwiches for us all to have for lunch when the seagulls came to inspect.  As my mum was eating her sandwich, a seagull swooped down, hit her in the head and stole her sandwich!  That was enough for me.  Already afraid of birds, I bolted.  I refused to eat anything as the rest of the group ate with blankets over their head.

We left the beach in the early afternoon and drive back to my mum's house. As we were driving back, we noticed that both Kaleigh and I had some sunburns.  Her sunburns were not too bad mine we my entire legs and tops of my feet.

After a quick dinner, Kaleigh swam in the pool for much of the night (sometimes with company).  My mum and I watched the basketball game and we made the plan for tomorrow.  It would be another busy day out in the sun.

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