Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Florida Trip: Day Four; the storm and lucifer

Day four was much more of a lazy day.  We got up when we woke up, with no rush.  I made some pancakes with the strawberries that we had picked on the way down to Florida.

After a late breakfast, we headed to Homosassa Spring Wildlife State Park.  This spot is minutes from my mums house and is always one of the highlights of the trip.  They have all sorts of animals that are being re-habed to go back into the wild including a Hippo named Lucifer!

The four of us (Kaleigh, Ashley, my mum and I) took a boat to the park and then started with visiting the manatees.  While waiting for the workers to feed Lucifer, we were attacked by a squirrel!  It was trying to get some chips that we were snacking on and jumped onto Kaleigh's lap!  Then, minutes later, jumped up on Ashley's leg, it was a bold squirrel.

We headed back to my mum's house after the park and I began to make some chilli.  My mum was asking me for a recipe so I thought I would make her some to freeze and so she knew how to make it.   While it was simmering, my mum volunteered to watch it while Ashley, Kaleigh and I went to a local beach in Crystal River.

We were not there long before the clouds began to roll in.  Then, it started to downpour, hard.  For a second, we thought it might be hail.  Ashley and Kaleigh started packing things up and running to the car.  Me?  I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures.  I eventually realized that they were gone and I ran to the car, soaked.

That night we had chilli for dinner with a salad and some grilled corn on the cob.  The late basketball game was a nice way to spend our final night in Florida.


  1. oh my gosh! that hippo!! amazing! and those pancakes look fabulous! thanks for sharing!

  2. Lucifer for a hippo's name is just the best! I've got to catch up on the first three days of your trip now!
