Saturday, June 30, 2012

Falafel Dinner!

Weeks and weeks ago (I am way behind on blogs), Ashley and I were wandering around the store trying to come up with something to eat for a dinner.  On Friday I generally need to make enough food to have leftovers for at least a day to avoid not having enough to eat at work over the long hours of the weekend grind.  Out of the blue, Ashley recommended falafel.  Without hesitation, I agreed.

I often have an issue with the falafel holding together.  I think it is an issue with the oil not being hot enough and they begin to break apart.  This time, we (mostly) skipped the traditional shaping and just made it into crumbles.  They were actual much more conducive to using in wraps for work on the following days even though we used pitas for out Friday night dinner.

I also whipped up some nice cucumber sauce to go with them.  I changed both of the recipes around a bit and will try another round of them before I post a recipe update.  Falafel is great!

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